Running time: 1.72 hrs
Rated G
Category: Christian Fiction
When a Roman infant is abandoned to die on the roadside, five angels team up to save his life.
Ancient Romans used to leave their unwanted babies on the side of the road so someone else could pick them up. Sometimes slavers took the exposed babies, but a lot of times they died.
Not this baby. This baby got snatched up by his guardian angel and brought to Heaven. The problem? The angel shouldn’t have done that, and now Gabriel needs to put the baby back.
What starts as a simple drop-off turns into a complex assignment with five angels working on human hearts and human sympathies to find the infant a home. But none of them are sure there’s a way to mitigate the punishment due to the guardian angel who took the baby in the first place.
“Once Only” is a novelette in the Seven Archangels saga, featuring a few familiar faces, one new one, and the introduction of the Special Ops team.