Running time: 12.5 hrs
Rated PG
Category: Christian Fiction
$9.99 – $34.99
Aislin Byrne harbors a powerful love for the wild, untamed lands of Rancho La Paloma. The threat of its financial ruin only strengthens her feelings and seals her resolve to save her home. But the fight to rescue the rancho will draw her into a drama rife with conflict and secret sorrow, and send her on a desperate journey that will test her mettle, and change her life forever.
Throughout her quest, Aislin is haunted by the love of two brothers: Jamie, a natural authority figure driven to leadership and perfection, and Spence, a gifted horseman and healer who is more at home with wild horses than with people. But only one man can claim her. And it will take a daring scheme to save her beloved land before Aislin’s heart can choose.