Running time: 7.1 hrs
Rated PG
Category: Western
$9.99 – $28.99
First there is Aristotle Scrimshaw who had left his wife and children on their small farm in Wisconsin to pick up some cash in the bustling goldfields of Virginia City. He had done well, buying up claims and collecting gold worth more than $100,000–but now there is trouble back home and he must get there immediately. Then there is Angelica Ramirez who had left her abusive husband to become the most prosperous madam in the territory-but now she wants to be done with the life and begin anew.
Last, there is Professor Randolf Figaro, a Mississippi gambler, who had struck his own kind of pay dirt in Virginia City as well, but now his luck has turned bad. They all need to leave the encampment, but the road out is paved with ruthless road agents eager to plunder their hard earned wealth. Undaunted, Schrimshaw plans a midnight stagecoach run through the bandit-infested wilderness. He, himself calls it a fool’s coach but is willing to risk it and will take the others if they dare!