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Running time: 5.4 hrs
Rated PG




100 YEARS AFTER WORLD WAR III – America was a nuked-out wasteland, a gutted remnant of a once-glorious country where only the very strong – and the evil – survived.

THE WARRIORS – Possessed of incomparable strength and skill, they were a fighting unit determined to keep civilization alive in a dead land.

MIAMI RUN – Before the war, Miami was a hotbed of illegal activity, a crowded metropolis teeming with low-life pushers and half-dead junkies. After the war, things were no better – they were worse. What was left of the Sunshine State was ruled by a gang called the Dragons whose sole desire was to put every man, woman and child on Earth into a narcotic daze. The Dragons were fierce, but it would take more than a bunch of savage pushers to stop the Warriors from wiping them off the face of the blasted planet.


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