
Running time: 9.5 hrs
Rated PG




President Ulysses S. Grant dispatches Justice Department Special Services Officer, U.S. Marshal J.R. Chance to investigate suspected railroad construction fraud. Chance confronts a ruthless conspiracy that will stop at nothing in its quest to monopolize Union Pacific construction contracts and the lucrative right of way land grants that go with them. Fast paced action sweeps the young marshal, and the Cheyenne woman who saves his life, across the Wyoming basin on a trail that ultimately leads to the financial center of the plot in New York.

Paul Colt creates historical fiction that crackles with authenticity. His political insight, banking
experience, military knowledge, research and genuine horse sense bring his stories to life. His
characters walk off the page into the reader’s imagination with personal perspectives on the conflict
between U.S. westward expansion and the plains tribe’s way of life.


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